This will undoubtedly be on the lesser known entries we make. But it is one that needs to be made.
Yoku Yoku, for us, represents the best combination of family ownership, Pinkberry-ish yogurt and toppings, and gelato. As long as ice cream is not the dessert du jour we had in mind, this is where you'll find us.
I'm not going to get into the argument of who came first between Red Mango, Pinkberry, or any of the other tart yogurt establishments. I will only say that Yoku Yoku has something special. Supposedly, they import their "mix" from the same people that Pinkberry does - only, unlike Pinkberry, they combine it with milk instead of water. I can't confirm this, but I can conclusively say that the yogurt here is creamier, smoother, and all around better (and I do like Pinkberry).
Yoku Yoku is located in a strip mall in West L.A. There is nothing notable about the decor or interior (which resembles your average yogurt store), although the vice is certainly less pretentious than the average. There are couches in a corner next to a table full of magazines where people put their feet up and hang out. The owners were a very cool family who we had come to really love - but they recently were bought up by someone new. Fortunately, there have been no changes aside from seeing our favorite employees disappear. This place needs and deserves some support.
The gelato is great, but here is my recommendation: order the italian with mango, mochi, and chocolate chips. This trifecta of goodness will not disappoint. The employees are always cool, and they heap on the toppings. You'll find all the Pinkberry toppings, plus some extra awesome additions such as REAL graham cracker crusted cheesecake bites. My wife's favorites are vanilla custard with cookie dough or peanut butter with low fat granola. They also get high marks from me.
If you are in the mood for a good dessert, give this place a try. I've been to a lot of frozen yogurt places, but this one takes the cheesecake.